Before reading the following blog entry it is important to note that it is in no way intended to be malicious or spiteful in any way but is intended to document the way that I currently feel about my role in the AS LIVE production thus far.
I obviously understand that there are a limited number of job roles on the lead up to the date of recording of Unsigned Live. At the time of the job application process I only applied for two job roles. These roles were that of director and premonitions, this knowledge along with the tutorial that I had with Helen in which it was unsubtly suggested that I would be put in the promotions team prior to the job roles being announced. I had come with the expectation that the job role that I would receive would not be the job role that I was hoping for and was instead left with my second choice. This was indeed the case and although the feeling of disappointment still remains I can understand why this part of the process ended up the way it did.
However I am writing this entry for what I personally see as a valid reason and I hope that it isn’t just my frustrated mind blowing things out of proportion. The ‘responsibilities’ of the promotion team are as follows the designing of a logo, sorting out social network pages, creating posters/leaflets, making three short adverts, creating a website, filming a ‘making of’ and creating a title sequence which as a list of things to do seems like a lot of stuff which ordinarily I wouldn’t mind in fact I would probably quite enjoy. But and here’s where my issue lies I have successfully applied, paid for and attended this course with the knowledge that it would lead me to this unit in which the facilities of the television studio would be at our disposal to create an as live show. Now baring this in mind I refer back to the list of responsibilities that I as part of a group have to complete not a single one will need me to use the gallery therefore I feel I am missing out on any experience of working in this environment nor for the most part will the studio space be of any use to me.
As for the following elements logo, posters/leaflets, social network pages and creating a website these have next to nothing to do with the skills that I have acquired during my time on the course and therefore will probably be of no higher quality or standard to that which I could have produced when taking my GCSE’s when I wasn’t paying for it. Remaining on the list are the elements that will draw on the skills I have acquired on the course. The making of element which today was referred to something to the effect of ‘less important than the show that is only for the website and not as polished as the show’ now knowing this is the view of members of the second year you will forgive me for becoming despondent with it. Finally the adverts this is the most worthwhile element of what I will be producing as I will be able to note down that I attributed to the creation of an ad campaign. However where I expected to be able to write on my CV that I had some role in the creation of a 30 minute as live production I don’t think this will now be the case. Of the actual show I will be responsible for a 20 second title sequence, a responsibility which I share with three other people so by rights means I am responsible for five seconds of the 30 minutes broadcast which works out to be roughly 0.25% and that isn’t exactly what I expected.
Obviously Jo and I will be editing the show come the completion of recording which you may suggest make me part of the show. Equally you may argue that I put myself forward for the promo team but my argument is not where I have ended up as I suspect that even if I had only applied for the directors role I would still be in the exact same position I find myself in now. But it is the fact that I have had gained more experience in the gallery of Frank Skinner than that I will have gained over the period of this UCA as live production. I hope that this has not offended anyone and will perhaps eliminate my frustration which until now I have attempted to keep quite. I hope to hear peoples oppions whether I am valid with my frustration or if I just need to get over myself. That's it for now bye x