Reposting entry from
acesandeightsproductions.co.uk from 19/06/2012
I have been thinking about what kind of series I would like to produce for my next uni project details of which was posted in a previous blog entry. I along with family members and friends that I put on the case have come up with a number of ideas. Some of these ideas I have already dismissed and some I fear may simply be to vast with content that the time period allowed for this project couldn't be great enough to handle them. I will however take these ideas into future work.
The first idea came from my girlfriend Amber and would be broken down into the 15 one minute episodes option for the series. With both of us working in the Muggleton Inn branch of the Wetherspoons pub chain she suggested that I could make a simple instructional series on creating simple cocktails that people can replicate at home without spending a fortune on various sprits.
I like this idea as I feel that a number of powerful images could be created due to the range of colours and well designed lighting could produce an interesting spectacle of what is essentially a filming and editing process that would be replicated for each of the 15 cocktails
The first idea came from my girlfriend Amber and would be broken down into the 15 one minute episodes option for the series. With both of us working in the Muggleton Inn branch of the Wetherspoons pub chain she suggested that I could make a simple instructional series on creating simple cocktails that people can replicate at home without spending a fortune on various sprits.
I like this idea as I feel that a number of powerful images could be created due to the range of colours and well designed lighting could produce an interesting spectacle of what is essentially a filming and editing process that would be replicated for each of the 15 cocktails