Remaking an old movie can be lethal
It’s no secret that coming up with new and original ideas for movies it’s hard but should Hollywood just start remaking old movies and TV shows from years gone by? What with films such as fame, the karate kid and the A-team getting the remake treatment in the last couple of years I start to worry that some remakes that shouldn’t be remade will! Even those that I believe won’t be able to live up to, let alone be better than the great original films. This comes after I found out that Warner Bros have unveiled a list of movies that they are considering to remake or revitalise with one of my personal favourite movies Lethal Weapon being the current favourite to be made. With script writer Will Beall reportedly having been commissioned to write a new script for the film the signs appear promising but nothing is certain in show business. It’s not yet clear from the internet reports I have found on the subject whether this story will follow a new Riggs and Murtaugh or whether it will just simply be just another buddy cop movie taking the name of the great lethal weapon franchise. What is clear is that the rumours previously floating about regarding a lethal weapon 5 is dead in the water and should this new lethal weapon movie make it to the big screen Mel Gibson and Danny Glover won’t be reviving the iconic roles. As a fan of this series of films I wouldn’t want to see the films or characters carry on without all of the original cast members along with the director of the previous four films Richard Donner. Are there any films you’ve heard of that are getting remade that you feel should be left well alone? Or are there any good old films that could do with being brought into the 21st century? Let me know your favourites and if you know any you think I should watch.
It's just Hollywood trying to cash in again!!! Angers me a tad. I don't think any films should get remade UNLESS, there is something new to develop or are from a totally different point of view. Take Christopher Nolan's new Batman movies. They don't take anything away from the originals, and by no means do they copy them, in my opinion they go far more in depth character development and add something fantastically new and original! On the other hand did you see the remake or psycho by by Gus Van Sant? Probably the most pointless remake and film ever! It was awful, it was a shot by shot copy , that added nothing new and took out all the great atmosphere of the original Hitchcock masterpiece! So in conclusion remakes stink, rethinks however can be pretty darn cool!!