Monday 2 May 2011

Break... what break?!

So we've been on Easter break and I have been going non stop with one thing and another. Importantly my laptop that had my media strategies essay on it died before I had chance to hand it in. I sent it off to be fixed, that was two weeks ago and at this point I don't know when I'll be getting it back. I did however still have my notes so I sat down a wrote another essay thankfully I think this one is better than the one I very well may have lost.

As for the storytelling unit I was determined to come up with something original and I think that is something I have done. I came up with a sort of fictional variation of metaphorical journeys that I have found myself having since I was very young. This would be where I would be out and about, in the garden sometimes even just sat in my bedroom and I'd drift off into daydreams. I don't know if that makes me strange or if everyone finds them daydreaming so often that sometimes it takes a few minutes to work out what is real and what is fantasy. Well I took the photos yesterday and I'm very content with how they turned out.

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