Sunday 2 October 2011

Direction Unit - Complication

After I’d planned everything down to the last detail and everything seemed to be going so well something had to come along and throw a spanner in the works. The guy that I had booked to play my lead went and got himself a new job which means there is good chance that he won’t be available to play his role. I have sent a number of text and emails out to other people that fit the part. However another solution is existing due to the fact that I cast my ‘actors’ younger than the original characters in the show the possibility that should I not be able to find another actor in time for my shoot on Wednesday I could continue by following in the footsteps of Clint Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone and Ben Stiller as well as many others by starring in the same film as that which i would be directing. It isn’t ideal however it would mean that everything would continue as planned. By looking at the direction unit work of the second year students it looks as though it is possible to achieve a good standard film in this situation.  

We’ll see how it pans out.

1 comment:

  1. hi dan - sorry, but performing yourself AND directing is not the route to take. The 2nd years who did this went against my advice and their films did suffer. all could have been better. you have time to find someone.
