Monday 29 October 2012

Commission - Shot list

Reposting entry from from 13/10/2012

Scene 1
Ex Wide of Muggs - Jack walks into shot
Wide shot - Jack reaching the front step - Looks at pub sign
Mid Shot - Jack reaching the front step - Looks at pub sign
Wide shot -Dolly- Mid Jack reaching the front step - Looks at pub sign
CU - Pub Sign
Mid shot - Jack pulls out his phone
CU- Jacks phone
Ex Wide - Muggs Jack walks in

Scene 2
Wide - Jack enters the empty lower level
CU - Jack looking suppressed at how quite it is 
Mid shot- Jack going up the stairs
Cu - Jacks feet on the stairs
Wide - Jack going up the stairs

Scene 3
Wide shot - Jack reaching the top of the stairs
Mid Shot - Jack reaching the top of the stairs
Wide - Dolly to mid shot- Jack reaching the top of the stairs
Jack OTS - Jack walking over to his friends
Friend OTS - Jack walking towards them
Friend POV - Jack walking towards them
CU - Jacks dialog
Mid - Girls dialog
Cu - Jacks dialog
Cu- Girls dialog
Jack mid shot - Jack walks towards the bar 
CU - Girl as vampire teeth appear

Scene 4
Mid shot - Jack is stood at the bar - He looks back at his friends
Cu - Jack looking at his friends
Wide - Ghost bartender comes through the wall
Mid- Jack starts to order
OTS - Jack turning to see bartender
Mid - Bartender
Cu - Shock on jacks face
Cu- Ghost Bartenders dialog

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