Wednesday 27 November 2013

Major Project - Image Edit

Because Love Always was set during the 1940s I sat down with Sam Creamer to try and digitally remove some of the elements that broke this appearance.

I hope that the audience doesn't notice the changes, I hope that they just assume that is how the image looked in camera.

Note the aerials have been removed, one of many corrections.

Major Project - ADR

Because of the m20 being located near the Museum of Kent Life which was our main location there are    areas of dialog that the traffic noise was to much to filter out during the post production process. Because of this I contacted my actors and had them return to Maidstone where we recorded their lines again where the audio was unusable.

This was a fairly simple process and worked very effectivly with the audio in the film now being of a good quality.

Because of the ease that this process took looking back on the ADR process I think it would have been a good idea to have had the actors redo all of their lines which would have given me more options in the edit.

However for the most part I think that the mix of location dialog and ADR works well and is often unnoticeable.

Major Project - The Edit

Due to the editor being unable to produce an edit that Hennie and I decided that the best move was to let him go and I took over. This has proved the most effective solution as the changes and tweaks have been made quickly and the entire post production process has been sped up because of it.