Thursday 15 September 2011

Direction Unit - Idea Development

From the point that I finally settled on which scene from my selected series of 'Burn Notice' that I will be re-directing for this unit I haven't stopped progressing with ideas and decisions. Making numerous phone calls, making a number of deals and calling in a couple favours I have a cast that should everything run smoothly will be able to re-create the action within the scene. I have not yet arranged who will make up my crew but I am aiming for at least two people from the course to help me if not more. My ultimate goal is for this production to reflect all of the knowledge that I gained from the first semester combined with the added information gained via the workshops and lectures in this semester. Having written out the script along with an initial shooting script I am more excited than ever to get moving with this project. I will endeavor to take a walk to the locations that I have in my head as to where I would like to shoot the scene over the weekend to make sure that everything I have planned will be possible.

As part of the group responsibilities for this unit we had to come up with and create a title sequence that would be used across the series. I am happy to note that the idea that I proposed to the group has been meet with a great response and it has been agreed that the mock up clip I created will be adapted into the final opening titles over the forth coming week. Below is the mock up version I will upload the finished opening titles at a later date for you to compare.

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