Tuesday 6 September 2011

Direction Unit - Project update

A mere week has passed since we received our direction unit brief and we have already completed two workshops. The first workshop entailed me directing a combined cast and crew of four. This was my first experience of directing a crew and I must say I really enjoyed it. The one element that I wasn’t so comfortable with was handing over control of the camera to someone else. When I got the footage taken during that workshop onto the computer it didn’t quite cut together just right like I would like to. This is because of, and which was highlighted in Simons lecture earlier this week I was editing my film whilst shooting and it is because of this I was limited to what shots I had available in the edit. I think that is what I will take away most from that workshop and when I have edited the clips I do have from that workshop together I will put it on this blog.
The second workshop was my first introduction to how to light a scene using three point lighting. Although it was a very informative workshop I wasn’t as interested personally in this workshop as I was in the direction workshop.     

1 comment:

  1. interesting entry and good to see what you learnt from the directing workshop. think the lighting clips are very effective. i really like the experimental and hero shots, and natural one is spot on. good work!
