Tuesday 29 January 2013

First dissertation tutorial with Chris Hunt

I had my first dissertation tutorial with Chris Hunt today. We discussed my proposal (posted in the previous entry) as I suspected the subject matter was slightly too broad and so we discussed narrow the focus using the first version as the pool from which to choose.

The element that we focused on was the elements about violence. At first I was apprehensive about using this as my focus topic as I was aware that at least two other students are intending on using violence in some degree as their topic. However having gone over the notes made during the tutorial I can understand how I could bring in elements from wider broadcasting than film alone which I was told during my tutorial would be a must to achieve a strong result in a broadcast media students dissertation.

The notes made during the tutorial comprised of:

- The depiction of violence
- How it translates into broadcasting

- The differences between factual and fictional films and programming
- News
- TV shows (fictional)
- Broadcast of films

- Censorship

-Social issues
- develop a debate
- Film violence allows a release of violent instinct



History of violence - in film and broadcasting - development of genre - watershed

Theory - writers of TV/film violence - id/ego/superego

Case study - take genre - or films and/ or TV show - find a connection to current public debate


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