Thursday 8 March 2012

AS LIVE - Unsigned logo design number one

This is the first of my two draft logo ideas for presentation to the production team on the 15th. Obviously this may not be what Lauren has in mind but I will talk through my thoughts and how I came to this design. After seeing from a blog entry that Lauren prefured simple logo designs I discarded some of the more complex designs and started thinking about the show it its most basic form. 

Not having a musical bone in my body I think has come as an advantage for this task. This is due to when I think of music i think of the obvious elements. For example I have used the shape of a guitar pick as the main element. At this stage I have left it plain white but there is no reason that it couldn't be changed to another colour or pattern.

Having been told that the colours were going to be purples and yellows these were the first colours that I attempted for the text however I personally thought that the purple didn't work on the design. This is why I have used the yellow and orange colours as they were clear and alluring.

As for the image contained within this was originally a lonsom guitar which I tried in various colours. This looked effective but was lacking the passion for music that the general audience of the show would hold. Therefore the classic image of someone leaping into the air striking a note on the guitar presents this passion and joy of music which I assume wants to be translated.

I hope I have headed in the right direction for what the production team will be looking for.  


  1. I love how you've used the shape of a guitar pick! I really think less is always sometimes more, if you agree. I like the font choices and the colours, it's something we could definitely work on! :)

  2. Such a good design Dan! You sure have the flair and skills for this! xxx

  3. Oh I am glad you both like it I wasn't sure you would :)
