Thursday, 11 July 2013

Major Project - Pre Production - Finding the 'backbone crew'

The pitching of 'Love in War' proved highly successful for me. On a gloriously sunny day I met with Dean Ross, Maddie Ireland and Hennie Clough in a very relaxed environment. There I presented the idea for 'Love in War' as well as pitching my film idea so to did Maddie with what is at present an unnamed project and Dean with a tv pilot idea called 'If I was King'. Going around the table pitching our separate project ideas it was clear that each of us were passionate about our ideas. Upon everyone have said there pitch we discussed the options which resulted in the following for 'Love in War' as intended from the start I will be directing and producing the film. Hennie will be my Co Producer with an equal say in all producing matters on the film. Maddie and Dean will be writing the script together which I hope will result in better early drafts as they will have one another to edit and bounce ideas about during the writing stage. I therefore came out of this first pitching session with what I refer to as the backbone crew. The script and therefore the script writers and the producers of a film create the backbone of what the film will later become and I am happy to say I think I have found myself a strong backbone.

For the results of Deans and Maddie's pitches please refer to their personal blogs.

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