Friday, 26 July 2013

Major Project - Pre Production - Meet the Characters - Frank

The Male Admirer (Frank)
One of a few men of his age that remained home from the war, Frank lives a safe, simple life, something that many young men his age now desire serving during wartime. Due to his profession of a postman Frank knows nearly everyone in the village. Frank is a healthy and fairly strong man in his mid twenties; he seems to be a respectable, reliable and resourceful man. On the outside he appears attractive and stylish even in his postman’s uniform. However there remains something slightly mysterious about Frank that it’s hard to pin point. He has many qualities that make him appealing to Mary during the lonely periods. His squeaky clean image and charming demeanour is questionable however as he has an uncanny ability to acquire many items that he presents as gifts to Mary, items that are hard to come by during war time, items only obtainable on the black market

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