Sunday 18 August 2013

Major Project - Pre Production - First full draft of the script

This evening was a productive one. I along with Maddie Ireland and Hennie Clough met together to go over the first full draft of the 'Love Always' script. I was very happy with how the meeting went and having a full draft was a good feeling too. Over a 2-3 hour period we read through the script and discussed what we thought worked, what didn't and needed taking out and bits that just needed tweaking. I think the most important thing about the script as it is, is the amount of locations that could be substituted for locations the audience would have already seen elsewhere in the film. Maddie has told me that she will try and get together with writing partner Dean and have a draft with the revisions done by next Friday which is the 23rd of August. This is becoming very important as we have now set a date for auditioning actors on the 29th August.

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