Monday 19 August 2013

Major Project - Pre Production - A Strong possible location

Today has been a very good day for the progression of 'Love Always'. I ventured into town today to try and find somewhere to hold the auditions for our cast which is yet to be determined how successful that was as I am waiting on a reply from someone higher up at the place we would like to use. The main reason that today has been a good day is that I emailed the Museum of Kent Life as I saw on their website that they had a cottage in a 1930s style which looked from the few pictures on the website to fit our needs. I received an email back from Kent Life who said that they would be happy to help if they can and so Hennie and I are set to go and meet with this woman next Monday. If all goes well we can cross of two if not more of the sets/locations we need for the film.

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