Friday 13 September 2013

Major Project - Lighting Examples

After we did our presentations yesterday I was told to find some examples to show the look that I wanted to create for 'Love Always'. I had a think and can to the decision that as I will be shooting the film on a Canon DSLR I will be fairly limited to what can be done in camera. However I have decided to shoot the film clean in the full HD. I will be looking to get a strong range of tone created through the lighting which will aid with elements such as colour correction in post. Below is a slideshow of example images from "Call the Midwife", "Foyle's War", "Captain America" "The King's Speech" and "Hugo".

As you can see all of the examples have a soft white lighting for the most part. The colours also appear slightly de saturated. Both these elements create a sense of the period and yet produce clean and crisp images. In addition to these factors I have also decided to used a shallow depth of field where possible an element employed frequently in film. I want to short to appear as cinematic as possible keeping clear of hand held shots where possible and using camera stabilisers, tripods, dolly and jibs where practical to create smooth motion within the film.

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