Sunday 1 September 2013

Major Project - Pre Production - Production Meeting

Today has been yet another busy day with regards to the pre production of 'Love Always'. Hennie, Maddie and I meet together again and discussed the feedback given by Simon Welsford on draft two of the script. We got to work altering the script addressing the issues he discovered and debating what would work best we arrived to a point where we were in agreement and the changes aided and made sense to the progression of the story. These changes resulted in draft 3 which Maddie and I are intending on presenting to Simon on Tuesday to have him assess the changes and for him to hopefully agree that the changes made make the script stronger. 

As well as working on the script we reviewed the audition tapes of the applicants for each of the roles. Between us there wasn't a huge difference of opinion and we quickly chose the four members of the main cast. Upon all of the actors accepting the roles I will revile on this blog who is going to be playing the roles.

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