Monday 2 September 2013

Major Project - Pre Production - Finding props

Today I have spent a majority of my day searching for props which are indicated in the script. These are some photos of the bits and pieces I managed to get a hold of today.

This is what I have managed find which is what will be used as the Postman's uniform. In reality it is an old formal fire fighters tunic and hat, however, its look really isn't to far off the photos of a 1940s postman. In addition I have managed to get hold of the smaller box in the image. The G.P.O stamped on the box stands for General Post Office which fits perfectly with the character.

Considering that I have a mass of real life letters from the period I will use them where possible however as our character have fictional name I will have to make fake letters and envelopes. Above is my first attempt which came out much better than expected.  


The script calls for two suit cases as you can see in this photograph we now have both.

Above are just some general hats and bags that we may be able to use for characters and or extras in the film.

There are multiple scenes in the script where the characters are drinking tea therefore we needed a tea set. Here I have found a contender but I am not sure if it is the tea set that we will use in the film.

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