Friday 6 September 2013

Major Project - Pre Production - Shot Lists and Storyboards

So for the past few days I have managed to work my way through the script and write a complete shot list from Draft 5 of 'Love Always'. All in all it comes to just under 300 shots which is going to take some doing but once we get going I'm sure it will move along quickly. When I get a chance I will go over the shot list with my DP Sam Creamer who I will gladly take advice from. I the mean time I have been working on translating the shot list into storyboards. I was going to get someone else to draw them up for me but with limited time I thought I would make a start on them myself.

I always thought that storyboards had to be perfect images but when I saw the storyboards that Scorsese did himself for Taxi Driver (1976) it became clear that if he one of the masters of cinema can do storyboards not being the best artist in the world then so can I.



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