Wednesday 4 September 2013

Major Project - Update for Hennie

Before Hennie went for her week off one thing I told her I would try and take care of is the uniforms for Frank the postman and Arthur the RAF officer. Today I went and met with the head of the CCF Combined cadet force at Maidstone grammar School. They had a large stock of RAF uniforms more modern than the WWII period but plenty that would do the job. I am going to return there next week with the actor playing Arthur, Ollie Matjasz to find one that fits him and will then go and take some photographs of him in the uniform with we can then include in the set. As well as the RAF uniform I needed to find a 1940s style postman's uniform this was harder than I thought but the images below show what the uniform looks like. And before anyone starts to panic I am in the photos but I am not playing the postman. Its just a fortunate coincidence that I and the actor Benidict Smith are roughly the same hight and build. 

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