Wednesday 16 February 2011


What with having focused on SPACED earlier in the month and being a big fan of Shaun of the dead and Hot Fuzz anyway it seemed only fitting that I should go and see the newly released film Paul. The film stars the same comedy duo from the fore mentioned films Simon Pegg and Nick Frost who i think bring a totally inspired and original type of comedy to any film they’re in. After the film received a somewhat mixed review on the BBC’s Film 2011 program I was a little apprehensive with what I was going to be faced with when I got into my cinema seat. Although the style of the film was vastly different to the pair’s previous films largely due to two elements firstly the director of this film has a vastly different style of storytelling, secondly due to the location, director and a large amount of the cast the film became ‘Americanised’ with the comedy emulating that that wouldn’t be out of place in any generic American sit-com I still found myself investing in the characters and the story as a whole. On a purely media based note I’ve thought of a little game for anyone that going to go and see the film, try and keep track of how many science fiction movie and television references are used throughout the film. I went to see the film with and few of the other students from the course and the amount of times Fran and I turned to one another and gave a look like do you get that one during the showing and how many Jo and Matt were able to point out after it would seem as though there were literally dozens used to great effect. On a quick side note this is not e.t. there is swearing and sexual reverences throughout the film so if you were thinking about taking your kids to see the film I would really think again, this film really aimed and was intended for people in their later teens and there after. Anyway that’s pretty much all I have to say about Paul and I leave you with the encouragement that if you are thinking about going to see the film do it because you will leave smiling to yourself especially if you’re a bit of a loser like us and pick up on the sci-fi references.

1 comment:

  1. I do not consider myself a loser! Sci-fi freak maybe but not a loser!!!!
