Wednesday 23 February 2011

First draft of 'the meeting' synopsis

After a number of tweaks I finally finished my first draft of my synopsis for the meeting so here it is.
Playing football with friends after school on a spring day was a regular occurrence in the young life of Luke Wood. Having played for an hour or so he would walk home with his little buddy James laughing and joking along the way. That was the typical, enjoyable and invariably safe routine that had never given rise to a problem before. But one day James didn’t come into school and Luke’s routine went out of the window with potentially disastrous consequences. A gap in the fence surrounding an abandoned factory was too tempting for the youngster to resist, particularly as the goods yard would make an ideal football pitch. A powerful kick of his football, however, which sent it hurtling into the sky and come to rest on a roof top, was the first step in a chain of events that would lead him into terrible danger. Making the decision to climb up onto the roof top of the run down factory building the naive boy would not realise the consequences of his actions until it was too late. When stepping on an old and rotten wooden cover that lay on top of the factory roof it suddenly gives way sending him plunging from the safety and light of the outside world to the dark, threatening abyss that lies below. Meanwhile his mother begins to worry when her little boy doesn’t return home and sends her other older son, Jack, to look for him. Knowing the route his brother usually took home it doesn’t take long for him to find the school bag Luke has left just inside the fence. A build up of gas which has leaked into the factory from adjacent cylinders adds an extra dimension to Luke’s predicament. Conscious but unable to see or move the terrified little boy has no idea how he will get back to safety and all he can do is cry out for help. From a distance Jack hears the faint cries of his brother and launches his self over the fence and runs toward the factory but before he gets there an explosion rips through the building causing parts of it to collapse. Jack calls 999 not knowing if his brother is hurt or worse. The everyday hero’s of the Fire and Rescue Service jump into action. It’s a race against time to locate and reach Luke in this unstable building. Will it be time for Luke to meet his maker? Will the fire fighters be able to save him from an untimely death? Will Luke meet salvation or will the fire fighters meet defeat?
What you think? Any ideas on how I can improve it?

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