Monday 7 February 2011

Spaced The Pitch

It’s a hard life when you’re a student. After a long weekend of working hard having to pull yourself out of bed on Monday morning isn’t the most appealing of prospects. But when I finally got myself down to the studios and had a cup of tea I was ready for any arduous task that I could be faced with and what a demanding task it was. I was ordered on pain of death to sit myself down in front of the television and watch two episodes of the sit-com Spaced I know terrible right! Spaced isn’t something I’ve watched before but being a fan of Shaun of the dead and Hot Fuzz I was quietly optimistic that it was going to be a very enjoyable show to watch. My optimism was well founded as the snappy comedy was very much like that that I had enjoyed in the fore mentioned films. After watching these two episodes one from the first series and another from the second we discussed some of the many elements that made up the show, a personal favourite being that although the cast and characters were the same the development of relationship and friendships were vast. Within these discussions we also covered elements regarding the plot, themes settings and genre. Out of these discussions we created a long list of words that described each of these components and from that list we would go on to write a pitch as if we was going to pitch the idea of Spaced ourselves. For those of you that don’t know a pitch is a very short and when I say short I mean it 25 words to be precise to sell your idea so that someone may actually want to know more and eventually end up making the movie or television show that you are pitching to them. Anyway here is what I came up with ‘Spaced! A surreal sit-com which follows the relationships of twenty something friends, as their seemingly ordinary lived are impacted by other characters with humours consequences.’ This task was a lot harder than it sounded selecting with components from our list described my view of the program as well as making everything I wanted to say fit within 25 words.
I also wrote a pitch for my favourite television program it’s very obvious but see how quick you can work it out.
‘We follow the young Clark Kent as he discovers his powers and begins his journey from small town farm boy to the legendary man of steal’. Any ideas what I'm pitching?

1 comment:

  1. good work here. nice entry... all that's missing is the synopsis?
