Thursday 17 March 2011


So I drew up some of my storyboards and showed what I had to Simon today. He seemed to be somewhat concerned with the amount that I had produced. Okay yes there was quite a lot but I knew in my head that I wanted and needed each of those shots in my trailer, but to be sure when I got home I put the images from the storyboard into my video editor with the music I had already selected and I was happy to see that if everything goes to plan in regards to timing it should fit nicely within two minutes.

The issue I am now faced with is that to shoot the exterior elements of the factory I would have to be film over a weekend which would mean I am stuck with two options I can either use my personal video camera and film it this coming Sunday which will be of a much lower quality than that of the camera in the studios, or, I can film those elements with the cameras from the studios after I come back from Amsterdam which would mean it would be after the deadline.  SIMON PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. don't use your camera. so you will have to do the shoot after amsterdam, or you contact Lauren Howard, as she has a camera out at the moment, and take that off her tomorrow and shoot this w/e? I'm ok that with that. whichever works best with you. i would think if you can do it this morning, that would be best.
