Friday 11 March 2011

What a difference a day makes

So yesterday I wrote on this blog that I was going to commence shooting for my trailer on Sunday. Those plans may well have gone straight out of the window. For those of you that haven't been paying attention today a huge earthquake in Japan measuring 8.9 has caused a devastating tsunami with waves expected to run across the Pacific region in the coming hours. I wouldn't for a second suggest that my project should interfere with any rescue efforts but the Urban Search and Rescue team at Maidstone fire station may well be flown out to the affected areas. This leaves my trailer ideas redundant as if they do go to help I will be faced with the challenge of shooting my trailer without the largest aspect of my script. Anyway will be sure to keep a close eye on the situation and should they be deployed out I will put some of my world famous creative mind to the challenge and come up with a method to shoot the trailer without them. Those of you that have read my script anyone got any ideas how you would create your trailer if you was in my position?

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