Sunday 6 March 2011

The Meeting Synopsis #2

So I've finished the first draft of my script I'm quite happy with it not sure how Simon will respond to it if it’s anything like my synopsis he’s going to find far too many things wrong with it. Speaking of the synopsis I have written up my second attempt taking on board the notes that Simon made on my previous. So here it is:

The Meeting
Football is the greatest passion in the young life of Luke Wood. He will play anywhere he can. So when he comes across an empty goods yard on a journey home it proves simply too tempting an opportunity to pass up. One powerful kick is all it takes to start a chain of events that leads him into terrible, life threatening danger. It is that one kick that sends the ball high up onto the roof of an old derelict factory. The decision to retrieve it is the step that triggers a devastating series of events that will remain with Luke forever and inevitably touch lives other than his own. When he steps onto a rotten wooden cover it suddenly gives way and he is plunged into a dark and threatening abyss leaving him trapped, frightened and yearning for the light and safety of the outside world.
Britain’s fire fighters engage in countless hours of training in preparation for every conceivable scenario. So when the call comes in the members of the specialist urban search and rescue team move swiftly and seemingly effortlessly into action. But on duty today is a fire fighter who has his own particular reasons for wanting to secure a successful outcome to this job. He knows only too well the heartbreak of losing a child through a senseless, tragic accident. Having just returned to work after an extended absence and still raw from the loss of his own daughter he understands the fragility of young life and is plagued by the realisation that this shout could turn out just as badly. With complete disregard for his own safety this rescue attempt will either help him find closure for his daughter’s untimely passing or end his career and destroy his soul.
It is a fast paced race against time as the fire fighters are tested to the extreme as each action packed scene unfolds and one problem follows another. Will it be time for Luke to meet his maker? Will the fire fighters be able to snatch him from the jaws of death? Will Luke become their latest success story or will they suffer the frustration and despair that accompany defeat?
Let me know what you guys think.


  1. remember... I'm not looking to find things that are "wrong" with it, I'm looking for how you can make it better :)

  2. Dan, this is SO much better. Reads really well and sells it nicely.
    The last paragraph doesn't work - too many question marks... write it like the rest. if you print out, i'll go through with a few tiny corrections to make. Good work!
