Tuesday 24 January 2012

AS LIVE - Talk Show idea

This is my first idea that has accumulated in my head for the AS LIVE unit.


Title: Chat about that
Format: 30 minute AS LIVE
Channel: E4
Target Audience: 16 - 25
Schedule: 10PM Tuesday recurring on a six week period

Chat about that is a light hearted, 30 minute as live television program. In a set that is designed to resemble an exaggerated version of a student flat. The host aged between 20 and 25 will be joined in each episode by two different guests that will be referred to as the hosts ‘friends’. There will also be a recurrent character that will engage in humours banter with the host. This character will be odd ball student that attempts to get into the flat and engage in the shows conversations.
From the commencement of the program the light, happy and humorous tone of the show will be established as the host engages with members of the audience and opens with a few topical jokes. During the show the host and guests will engage in conversation based on recent news stories, selected trending YouTube videos and/or humorous images. In amongst these conversation would be set points where the funny ‘odd ball student character’ would interrupt. During these discussions there will be a subject matter that links to a pre determined members of the audience. This will give a sense of audience participation and add to the layers of the program. There will also be a performance from either a band or stand up comedian which would lead to the climax of the show.


  1. Errr Dan this is a great idea but it sound very similar if not exactly the same (apart from the set)as my idea that I was telling you about on Sunday!

  2. I have sent a similar message directly to Dean in responce to his comment in this blog entry but I want to post something here because it is the same message I would want to give anyone. I will happily admit that the 'odd ball student character' stated did come from a man in shed idea of Dean's simply because he sold the idea so well I decided to add it. The format I based on Frank Skinner and the student flat thing I thought was mine. But just to confirm to everyone I don't want to steal anyone’s credit or ideas.

    And due to this I will not to pushing forward with this AS LIVE idea because I would happily throw away this idea than cause friction with a friend. I hope this clears up any issues.
