Tuesday 17 January 2012

Fiction Adaptation - Something to think about

Our academic year hasn’t even started yet and already I have something that is beginning to trouble me. For those of you that have the poem ‘the horses’ or read the script in my previous blog entry you will see that at the beginning of the tale is set in amongst trees. This alone wouldn’t be an issue except that as well as it being set in among the trees it is also set before the sun rises in the morning therefore it’s going to be dark.
The area that I have in mind to shoot a majority of the film is in Loose Valley which is walking distance from where I live. The dilemma that struck me earlier today when I walked down to look at the area is that there are no artificial lights anywhere. This being a natural area there is obviously nowhere that lights could be plugged in, nor is there motor vehicle access so any ideas of using car headlights are no good.
As I see it this leaves me with three options:
Option one; this is my least favourable option as the area is ideal as a location for the script but my first option is to move the shoot to somewhere else. However I fear that with any other quite woodland areas I will face similar issues as I face at the moment.
Option two; I would have to take portable light sources with me i.e. battery powered torches along with reflectors. This plan would require having a crew not something that I would be opposed to knowing that there are various people that I could ask and know that they would assist in many ways. However with the fact that I have some fairly large and wide angle shots in mind the amount of light we would be able to produce simply may not be possible.
Option three; this is something that I hadn’t thought about before until I typed ‘shooting video at night’ into YouTube and that is shoot night during the day. By upping the shutter speed therefore making the image darker along with some colour altering during post production some people have made images that could be mistaken as being shoot at night. I am again hesitant about this idea as even those that have been done well are in my opinion not quite as good as those properly lit at night. However if my alternative results in grainy images or shoots where the audience can’t see what being shown then it may be favourable.
Anyway with a few pre production tests I hope that this issue will be resolved it may be a case that I combine elements shoot using each of my three options only time will tell. Following are a few of the photos that I took on my walk earlier in the day in Loose Valley. Click read more to see them.  

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