Monday 30 January 2012

AS LIVE - Quiz show idea

Title: Tipped for the top
Format: 30 minute AS LIVE
Channel: BBC1
Target Audience: 5 - 100
Schedule: 5:30 Weekdays
Tipped for the top is a swift 30 minute AS LIVE quiz show that is cheerful and bright throughout. Filled with laughs shared between the host, contestants and live studio audience the quiz rounds would be filled with excitement and pace rather than being dry, slow or dull as is the case in some existing quiz shows. The host for this show would ideally be a man of 30 plus due to the intention of making the show look professional and credible to a wider outside audience.

As Tipped for the top begins the host would introduce four teams each containing two members preferably with some form of relationship between them such as husband and wife, father and son, friends etc. The show will consist of four rounds with the completion of each round leading to the elimination of one team until the final round where the one remaining team attempt to win a ‘grand prize’.

The content of each rounds of the game will have start relatively broad leading inevitably to having to become narrower as teams are eliminated. Therefore at this early stage I would suggest that the rounds are something like the following:

Round 1 - Four teams remaining- Category  
The classic of all quiz shows is of course the quiz round. For Tipped for the top one member of the team is elected to individually answer questions on a specific subject. The category is dictated by the second member of the team either throwing a dart into a dart board with 8 categories written on it or a spinning arrow fixed on a disk of similar design. The categories should be vastly different from one another which could result in humours outcomes. The team with the lowest score at the end of the round are eliminated from the show.

Round 2 - Three teams remaining- What you’ve just seen -
The teams are shown a short scene on a video screen; they are then asked questions about the scene answers of which are written on small white boards.
(In a similar fashion to how people are voted off the weakest link)

Round 3 - Two teams - Name that film, song
A VT is shown where a memorable quote is spoken each team has to name either the film or song that the quote has come from.
If this round ends with a tie a long more abstract quote will be played the team that buzzes in first and answers correctly goes through to the final round.

Round 4 / the final round - One team -
With each correct answer in the previous rounds winning the team ten points they now have X amount of minutes to answer enough questions correctly to get their score above X amount of points. If they do they are awarded a “grand prize” if they fail they will be awarded a comical consolation prize.

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