Monday 9 January 2012

Who needs to buy equipment?

A couple nights ago I talked my dad into helping me build a camera slider like those I have seen used in many top quality YouTube videos. It is basically a shrunk down version of a dolly track and I'm hoping that I can find use for it in future projects.

In the images shown here it obviously takes the weight of my old video camera but it was built for to take the weight of my new Canon 550d. I am hoping therefore it will manage the 5d's that I am looking forward to getting my hands on when I return to BM in just under three weeks time.

One of the components I have planned to modify slightly using my dad's wood carving skills to construct a wooden stand between the 'slider cart' and camera in order for it to be more secure, strong and enable the camera turn 360° rather than being in the one fixed direction it is currently. Using the detachable tripod top means that it can however at this stage point up, down and all points in between.

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