Friday 14 September 2012

Major Project - Country Craft Series Title ideas

Reposting entry from from 02/07/2012
So I'm pushing forward with the Country crafts series idea. Even though I should get my idea Okayed by my university lecturer first but until September that isn't really an option. So I would rather start and shoot with the Bee Keeper and then be told to scrap the idea than not shoot and be told the idea would have worked.

So the first thing I have thought about is possible title ideas that would be specific enough to give an overview of the series being about skilled people that live or more importantly work in the countryside doing old crafts. However because the crafts will vary from episode to episode it can't be something specific to one of the crafts that wouldn't apply to another.

So below you will see a list of possible that I came up with one of these may end up being the series title, I may combine some of them or I may come up with something else altogether.
Country’s Callin’


Dirt road crafts

Natural life

Country Hands

Faces in the fields

Old Country

Working for a living

Down and dirty

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