Friday 14 September 2012

Major Project - Early Thoughts

Reposting entry from from 14/06/2012

On summer break from university at the moment so I don't have any academic films in the works at the moment. However I have been given the briefs for the projects that I will be working on when I return in September. These means I am able to begin the tough process of coming up with a realistic target which is interesting and beautiful. Regardless of the idea I am endeavouring to create a series of short films with every frame looking like a distinguished and well planned photograph.

The brief is very open for the next university project basically consists of I will be required to create a series with a total running length of 15 minutes which can be broken down into the following:

15 x 1 minute episodes
5 x 3 minute episodes
3 x 5 minute episodes

For these series I will be asking for assistance in a variety of roles from classmates, contributors and persons outside of my course in order to branch out and embellish the film with the skills of others.

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