Sunday 5 February 2012

AS LIVE - Draft Timing Screen Plan

00:00 - Opening titles
00:30 - Introduction
02:00 - VT Action Drama
03:30 - Audience member is picked to be made over to look like they’ve beaten up which would have featured in the previous VT
04:30 - Take an interesting but simple aspect from that VT and show how it was made
08:00 - Guest comes on to plug new film
12:00 - VT showing a green screen being used (possibly using Hollywood films)
14:30 - Link into the break

15:00 - Opening for part two
15:30 - A few members are pulled from the audience and are spoken to about films
16:30 - They are put in front of a green screen and using props they’re told to re-enact famous movie scenes (Possibly done as VT but played as if live)
19:00 - Link
19:30 - VT Another more complex film making tutorial
22:00 - Link
22:30 - Short film review
25:00 Link
26:00 the audience member returns made up beaten up
28:00 Close the show
29:00 - Credits
30:00 - End

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