Sunday 5 February 2012

AS LIVE - Magazine Show Idea

Magazine show

Title: Live, Camera, Action
Format: 30 minute AS LIVE
Channel: Channel 5
Target Audience: 10 - 50
Schedule: 8pm Wednesdays
Everyone enjoys sitting down in front on the television or going to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster film. Film makers somehow manage to find an endless array of stories to tell yet by using their own style they still manage to guide audiences to tears, laugher or uncontrollable bursts of excitement. The successful directors are able to present styles are instantly recognisable to lovers of film. However with every passing decade films are becoming vastly more impressive visually with the qualities brought by HD broadcastings or 3D films. This combined with the ability to edit faster and shoot footage and add to footage digitally that wouldn’t have been possible even ten years ago
It is partly because of these aspects that films are increasing watched and appreciated by more and more people. Since dvd’s and blu-ray took over as the predominant forms of owning movies at home more and more are accompanied by bonus ‘special features’ giving the audiences an insight as to how monsters are brought to the screen such as creatures like ‘The Mummy’ in the 2001 film by the same name, how unbelievable car chases are achieved in films such as ‘James Bond Casino Royale’ from 2006 or simple behind the scenes footage from a vast number or big budget films. However for those people that which to turn from film fan to film makers it is often a good place to start at the beginning with the basics. In Live, Camera, Action  presenters will talk through to the audiences some of the more basic filming techniques, sound recording, editing, lighting and or general filmmaking rules and tricks for those of us that can’t afford to send an Aston Martin rolling down the road.
Not forgetting that there will be a live studio audience that will be present on the day of the record I have a few ideas that would give reason for them being present. My first idea is that a selected member from the studio audience will be pulled up on stage. They will then be put in front of a green screen and given props to aid them to act out famous movie scenes to show how a green screen works.  Have a makeup artist turn one of the audience members from person to monster or appear like they’ve been severely beaten up. In addition or pace of this we could have audience members asking a how to question relating to film making which the host and or invited guest could then answer.
This show won’t appeal to everyone but with programs like Top Gear, The Gadget Show and Got To Dance which are all quite specialised still bringing in a wide audience range in large numbers I think that Live, Camera, Action could have to potential to do the same.


  1. I think you're right that increasingly ANYONE is a filmmaker so it seems like you're offering a sort of masterclass? If so think carefully about the target audience - is it really as diverse as you have suggested? Also is the time slot right? Think about Film 2012 which is transmitted late. If it is in this time slot is it more likely to have the sort of fun aspects a la Harry Hill on You've been Framed....

  2. 1. As you have eluded to my generation are in the best position to produce footage during their daily lives with almost everyone having a camera in their pocket even if it is a mere feature of a mobile phone. The time slot that I have suggested is due to the fact that channel five currently broadcasts 'the gadget show' at the same time on a Monday. With the programs running along similar themes i.e. technology I thought this would be a suitable time slot, however I am happy to hear other view points as to another time slot and/ or channel suggestions.

    The intended tone of the show I have envisioned is a mixture of the easy going presenting style as seen on 'Something for the weekend' or 'Graham Norton'(both live/ AS live programmes) infused with the step by step nature of how to shows such as 'le salvager'.

    However the guiding tone and the inspiration for this As Live idea is the special effects show a Universal Studios California. I saw this show in 2009 and thought that elements and tone would work nicely as a television program. If you do not know the show following is a link showing a recording

  3. Dan as soon as I read this, I knew you were inspired by the show in Universal Studios! I saw it too and it was REALLY good, and have always thought something like this would be brilliant as a TV show! Kind of like the "breaking the magicians code" show they had on ITV, where they showed the inside tricks of magicians, which attracted GREAT viewing figures! really like this one Dan :)
