Wednesday 29 February 2012

General Update

There are times in life when everything seems so busy that you can feel that you're never going to get on top of the amount of work. With deadlines drawing ever closer, other projects and favours taking up more time than expected, spending time working a job so there is enough money to keep everything moving along and with a previously quite social life becoming more vibrant I presently feel like I am fighting a loosing battle trying to manage my time in order to get everything done.

However now that we have been given our job roles for AS LIVE I am now in a position to come up with some form of plan to get all of the things that I need to do done.

The first item on the agenda is to get my fiction adaptation essay started and completed by the end of the weekend. I have withdrawn a number of books recommended on the reading list and I have been pushing through War Horse with the aim of being able to instantly recall relevant examples when writing the essay.

Following the completion of my essay I would very much like to complete the pre production stages of the fiction adaptation unit and progress swiftly onto the production. Having been out location scouting and having my one man cast confirmed it is more or less a case of pulling the storyboard together and arranging a time that will be possible to film.

On a similar note I have been working on an entry for a film making competition having already started production I would very much like to shoot the remainder of the short within the next couple of weeks.

At the same time as these elements coming together I would also like to crack on with the second essay. With two job roles for as live being promotion and editing I am unsure if my essay has to be focused on promotions or if i can focus on the editing element. I hope this is the case as i expect that there is more information and I will simply find the subject more interesting.

The last film making element that I need to turn my attention to is the promotional material that between Zee, Alex and I have to produce. I am hoping that as there is a number of decisions and planning that the production team will need to do before we can really get on that this gap with provide enough time to get the previous elements done or close to it.

If I manage to complete all of these elements to the standard that I want, alongside other elements of my life, without having a nervous breakdown I will consider it a success,

I will endeavour to keep this blog updated to keep a record of my progress.

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