Thursday 23 February 2012

Camera knowledge

Having some between delivering my pitch and finding out which of the twelve pitches has been commissioned and due to some disappointing footage recorded for a side project in low light which has resulted in that infamous pain in the backside GRAIN!!! Now that I have invested in a DSLR of my own I thought I should really get a better understanding of how to capture impressive images and video. The first thing that I have done a little bit of internet research trying to get my head around the use and functions of aperture, shutter speed and ISO. 

So for those of you that aren’t clear with all of the functions either I have noted down the initial functions.

Aperture – also known as the iris

The lower the fstop number will result in more light coming into the camera. The lower the fstop number i.e. f1.8 will also bring with it a narrow focus area. For example if the subject is a persons face with a narrow focus the eye may appear sharp whilst the ears and or hair may appear soft and unfocused. On the opposite end of the scale with a high fstop number i.e. f22 will result with a wide focus range to shoot a landscape with everything in focus.

Shutter Speed

Like the aperture the shutter speed also affects the amount of light will get in. The shutter speed is also going to affect the appearance of motion in photographs. A fast shutter speed i.e. 1/2000th of a second will freeze the motion with sharp clear images. A slow shutter speed i.e. 1/30th of a second will let more light it over a longer period of time. Because the shutter is open for longer it is recommended that a tripod is used to avoid unwanted motion blur. However is ideal for giving the impression for wanted motion for photographing a running animal.


This is the built in light sensor in the camera. The lower the ISO number the lower the light sensor will pick up but the better the quality of the image will be. The higher the ISO number is the more light will come be picked up however this will result in my original problem of GRAIN.

I  hope this help with my issues and I hope it helps all of in the future. 

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