Thursday 9 February 2012

AS LIVE - Workshop notes

- Title sequence - Set the tone - 15-20 seconds
- Do we want a Logo?
- Does the logo want to be part of the set
- Don't forget to add channel ident

- Include strong images

- The title sequence is responcibility of the producer
      - The title sequence is then passed to the director

- Seems obvious but make sure that the shows title is in the title sequence
-Pick a good font

- Think about presenter and guests clothes 

- Wipes between studio and VTs

- Verbal introduction to the show should be around 30 seconds

- EVERY element needs good sound
- The director scripts the show
- The script should be written at least two weeks before rehersals start

- How many presenters do we want?

- Fast mix / fade in (from titles to studio)
- Within the first three shots establish the set 
- Any voice overs on VT's come in two or three seconds into to avoid cross over in sound.

- Research works mostly on the phone NOT the internet

-Under hot studio lights - Need to use face powder

- In the studio spread the cameras
- Consider tripod heights

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