Monday 20 February 2012

AS Live - Tutorial Review

Coming out of my tutorial today I think it would fair to say that I felt a bit down hearted and as a result I became a little despondent with my idea. Helen has said that my program has suffered because I took a big idea and then compressed it down in order for it to be achievable with the equipment, time and space that we would have available to us. Ironically because of this the elements that I was personally more appealed to pushing are the elements that Helen thought were weak and the elements that I wasn’t particularly attached to were the elements that she got most excited about.

However having had a few hours to mull over some of the points made during the tutorial I think that the amount of alterations needed to be made may be fewer than I had first thought with a tweaking method applied to the formula rather than a gutting and starting over situation. For example due to Helen highlighting that a majority of the audience will be aware of how green screens works I would consider loosing the VT package around the subject however retaining the audience participation element however increase the focus on the fun home competition side rather than making it a demonstration of how green screens work. Similarly the makeup segment is something I would like to keep however as Helen broke my idea down she compared it to the show about how magicians reveal magic tricks in as much as in Live, Camera, Action is a show that reveals the behind the scenes elements of movie making. So in addition to the VT set up, audience selection and audience member I would like to push to the behind the scenes crew to film the transformation of the audience member through make up which could be added onto the shows website as additional content.

The element that Helen seemed to respond to with the most enthusiasm was the interview segment in which the presenter/ presenters of the show would interview a local film maker about their in film which would be either in the process of being produced or recently completed film. The more I think about it the more I think this has the potential to be a strong part of the show and having done a small amount on internet research and I have found that there is an annual film festival in Kent that has run for the past 37 years which is I think a good place to start enquiring into local film makers. Continuing the tone of finding contributors I lead onto the handy man presenter. In a VT I have planned to show how an element that is seen in big productions can be achieved and for a fraction of the price. I was told to have a think about where we could potentially find someone that is relatively skilled enough to do the construction and still be interesting and engaging on screen. For this I have now considered knowing that we will be working with the CAFT course if we would be able to ask one of the members from that course to present and build for that segment.

These are the main areas that I discussed with Helen earlier today and I will endeavour to adapt my pitch for Thursday accordingly.  

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