Wednesday 1 February 2012

Fiction Adaptation - Ted Hughes, A profile of the poet

Ted Hughes - A profile of the poet
Ted Hughes was and is still regarded as one of Britain’s most visionary and powerful poetry voices of the 20th century.  However during his career his writing was at points overlooked with the public interested being focused more on his relationship with first wife Silvia Plath who went on to committed suicide in 1963.

From a very early age one of the closest relationships he had was with the landscape around his childhood home.  He was quoted later down the years that he viewed “A landscape without game is to me is a dead landscape” and that the “First seven years seem like half of (his) life”. His relationship with nature is a strong feature of a lot of his poetry with areas like the woodlands setting his imagination alight and changing his academic studies from English literature to anthropology his early fascination and knowledge of nature was broadened. His published work brought him high recognition as a writer that put modern readers in touch with the timeless forces of nature and became poet laureate in December 1984.  

1 comment:

  1. Good background research - it helps to understand the poet to get into the poems - a bit of context etc. The time and place in which something is written is worth considering.
