Monday 6 February 2012

AS LIVE - Workshop - Content list

Dean, Maddie, Hennie and I are working together to record a mock up news report on the subject of a fuel rise. 

The initial running order is as it follows:
1. Maddie (the host) in the studio set introduces the story reading the scripted introduction. 

2. Maddie passes the story over to Dan (on scene reporter) in front of a taxi rank

3. Dan introduces Dean (the taxi driver) 

4. Q1, What is your average fuel consumption in a week?
5. Q2, Are you having to work more because of this rise in price?
6. Q3, How has the rate of custom varied with these rises?
7. Q4, Do you think rates will have a long term affect on your business?

8. Q5, Does this rise make you consider a change in job?
9. Q6 Have you considered investing in an electric car?
10. Dan links back to the studio 

1 comment:

  1. Good prep here but remeber to structure open questions - some of these will illicit yes/no answers - you need 'tell me about' questions which are better at getting someone to describe things in detail. Also start to work on -
    Location & shot sizes/storyboard. Well done
