Friday 24 February 2012

Fiction Adaptation - Novel Selection

It’s easy to forget with so much focus on the AS LIVE unit at the moment that I have plenty of work to get done for the fiction adaption unit. One of the marked elements for this unit is the 2000 word essay addressing the statement “In adapting a novel the adaptor inevitably infringes the integrity of the original text - discuss with reference to at least one adaptation.”  Having a very limited literary knowledge I started with films and work backwards to those that I knew had originally been novels.

Those that have been following my blog for the last couple of months at least you will know that I had a particular like for Steven Spielberg’s recent film War Horse when I went to see it at the cinema. So I have been out and bought the Michael Morpurgo novel that is where the story originated and thankfully it is only 182 page so I should be able to struggle my way through it. So I have picked War Horse as my reference novel and film. However as many of you will be aware War Horse was also a play performed in the west end. Unfortunately at present I haven’t seen it portrayed on stage which I’m sure would have given an interesting element to my essay and although I am hoping to see the show in the future I don’t think that I will viably be able to before the essays due date.

I hope that this essay proves not to difficult but like so many things only time will tell.

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